2024-25 Club Fees

 What's Included:

Head Coach and Assistant Coach Every team will have a qualified head coach and assistant coach dedicated to the development of their team.
Practice Each team has their own dedicated court for practice. Practice for older teams is 2 hours 2 times weekdays and 2 hours on select Saturdays. Younger teams practice 1.5 hours 2 times weekdays and 2 hours on select Saturdays, except 10s, they only practice weekdays. Practices will also include Positional Training during pre-season.
Performance Training with Landow Performance in their Facility Every team will have a dedicated certified trainer with personalized training programs focusing on performance enhancement, injury prevention, recovery, and data analytics. Each younger team trains for one 1/2 hour twice a week and each older team will train for 1 hour twice a week.
Recruiting Recruiting Advisor, recruiting aids, HUDL + HUDL Assist, and Sports Recruits. Our Recruiting Advisor will partner with our athletes and with colleges and universities to aid in the communication and placement process. 
Travel Select teams will travel to out of state tournaments (detailed below). Momentum tailors travel to each team selecting tournaments based on the specific team, not just sending all teams or a majority of teams to one specific qualifier. Players travel and stay with their parents, allowing parents the flexibility to use loyalty/rewards to book their airfare. Parents are required to book their rooms in the hotel block Momentum secures. Momentum includes a travel fee in its total monthly payments and will not bill the parents again during the season.
RMR Powers and Local Tourneys All teams will participate in RMR powers and local tournaments. The exact number is to be determined until all schedules have been posted.

 What's Not Included:



Momentum does not include uniforms in its base tuition fee, in an effort to save families money that do not need to replace every item each season. If the player does not need new jerseys or backpack for example, they can use them the next season. Therefore, only players new to the club are required to buy the full uniform package of $400/tax. Otherwise. they only replace items that are required to be replaced.
Parent/Player Travel Travel expenses for the Athlete or the Parents, including (i) airfare, (ii) transportation costs, (iii) hotel.
Chaperone Travel Players travel and stay with their parents but (rarely) a chaperone is required. Travel or transportation expenses, including (i) airfare, (ii) transportation costs, (iii) hotel, and (iv) per diem for the chaperones (in the event a chaperone is required for one or more Athletes).
End of Season National Championship Junior National Championship or AAU championship team entry fees, coach compensation, team registration fees, facility usage, etc (NOTE: THE FEE IS INCLUDED FOR 15-1, 16-1, and 17-1 TEAMS BECAUSE THESE TEAMS WILL PARTICIPATE IN JUNIOR NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS)
Team  Base Tuition  Tuition Deposit  Travel Fee  Total Monthly Payments (8)  Powers & Local Tourneys Out of State Travel
10-1  $   2,000.00  $     500.00  $            -    $    187.50 4-5 0
11-1  $   3,000.00  $     500.00  $    150.00  $    331.25 4-7 0
12-1  $   3,000.00  $     500.00  $    875.00  $    421.88 4-7 2
12-2  $   3,000.00  $     500.00  $    150.00  $    331.25 4-8 0
13-1  $   3,450.00  $     500.00  $    875.00  $    478.13 4-7 2
13-2  $   3,000.00  $     500.00  $    150.00  $    331.25 4-8 0
14-1  $   3,600.00  $     500.00  $ 1,450.00  $    568.75 4-7 3
14-2  $   3,600.00  $     500.00  $    650.00  $    468.75 4-8 1
14-3  $   3,600.00  $     500.00  $    650.00  $    468.75 4-8 1
15-1  $   4,000.00  $     750.00  $ 2,000.00  $    656.25 4-7 3+AAUs/GJNC
15-2  $   4,000.00  $     750.00  $    875.00  $    515.63 4-8 2
15-3  $   3,600.00  $     500.00  $    650.00  $    468.75 4-8 1
16-1  $   4,000.00  $     750.00  $ 2,000.00  $    656.25 4-7 3+AAUs/GJNC
16-2  $   4,000.00  $     750.00  $    875.00  $    515.63 4-8 2
16-3  $   3,675.00  $     500.00  $    650.00  $    478.13 4-8 1
17-1  $   4,000.00  $     750.00  $ 2,000.00  $    656.25 4-7 3+AAUs/GJNC
17-2  $   4,000.00  $     750.00  $    875.00  $    515.63 4-7 2
18-1  $   3,750.00  $     500.00  $ 1,450.00  $    587.50 4-6 3
18-2  $   3,750.00  $     500.00  $    875.00  $    515.63 4-6 2
16/17 Boys  $   4,000.00  $     750.00  $ 1,625.00  $    609.38 4-6 2+AAUs/BJNC
17-1 Boys  $   4,000.00  $     750.00  $ 1,625.00  $    609.38 4-6 2+AAUs/BJNC


Momentum offers a Grant Program to those that demonstrate financial need. Read more here: https://momentumvbc.com/pages/tuition-assistance

Additionally, Colorado Volleyball Charities applications are now open and due September 30th, read more here: https://momentumvbc.com/pages/tuition-assistance